TechTalk: Internet safety for kids and teens

weKids and teens these days are way too advanced for their age.  Maybe its the food they eat, the atmosphere of competence even in early age, or just the genes slowly morphing into highly-advanced creatures.  Whatever the reason is, it is now common that 2-3 year olds can already operate a computer, and teenagers more tech savvy than the general adult population.   And where do they get the information? Mostly television for kids, but for teens, there is the internet.


We cannot deny the convenience the internet has given us, but this convenience, when abused and uncontrolled can lead to serious trouble.  There are countless internet safety tips which readers can be familliar of, what we will be discussing today are tips focused on protecting your kids and teens from the perils of internet surfing.


Tip number 1:  Educate your child on the risks involved.


To do this, the parents or guardians themselves must know the advantages and disadvantages of the use of the internet.  Parents must be familiarized with social networks, chatrooms, and other sites wherein there is an avenue for sharing personal information as these are often the areas where criminals find and lure their victims.  There are ways to control the sites viewed by your kids like turning on your computer’s firewall.   Parents may also ask the help of trained IT personnel to handle internet safety needs.


Tip number 2:  Regularly monitor your child’s internet usage.


This may be a tricky thing to do especially when it comes to teens, as they may view this as an infringement on their privacy.  A source suggests the following actions:


  • Keep the computer in a common area, not in individual bedrooms, where you can watch and monitor its use.

  • Share an email account so you can monitor messages.

  • Bookmark kids’ favorite sites for easy access and to avoid letting them open adult sites due to mispelled web addresses.

  • Spend time online together to teach your kids and teens appropriate online behavior.

  • Forbid your child from entering private chat rooms; block them with safety features provided by your Internet service provider or with special filtering software. Be aware that posting messages to chat rooms reveals a user’s email address to others.

  • Monitor your credit card and phone bills for unfamiliar account charges.

  • Find out what, if any, online protection is offered by your child’s school, after-school center, friends’ homes, or anyplace where kids could use a computer without your supervision.

  • Take your child seriously if he or she reports an uncomfortable online exchange.

Tip number 3:  Set up Basic rules when using the internet.


These rules can vary depending on the age of your child.  But, the most important of which, is telling them never to trade personal information especially to strangers. Plus, if your child or teen has a new online friend, insist on being introduced to them.


Tip number 4:  Know the warning signs of a child being targeted by an online predator.


These warning signs may vary, that is why it is important to keep a regular eye on your kids internet usage.   Some of the more common outward signs include spending long hours online, especially at night, phone calls from people you don’t know, or unsolicited gifts arriving in the mail. If your child suddenly turns off the computer when you walk into the room, ask why and monitor computer time more closely. Withdrawal from family life and reluctance to discuss online activities are other signs to watch for.


Don’t let your kids and teens be victims of internet predators.  If you want to protect your children, you have to keep up with modern technology.



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