WordPress Community releases WordPress version 3.0

The WordPress Community released WordPress Version 3.0, the latest release of the

very popular content management system that allows web developers to deploy websites

quickly. The release was a culmination of half a year of work by 218 contributors which

included 1,217 bug fixes and feature enhancements.

The new version includes the merge of WordPress-MU and WordPress. WordPress-MU is the

multi-user version of WordPress and the merge means that WordPress may now be used

to run multi-user websites instead of WordPress-MU. Also included is a new theme, called

Twenty Ten, that features the various options available on the new revision. A new addition

that will help content developers is the custom post type that the administrator can define.

This allows types of posts with specific fields to be implemented rather than one type of

post with different fields to fill up depending on what type of post you want to publish.

WordPress users are encouraged to upgrade their installations to take advantage of WP’s

new features.


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